

A short version of the programme is available for download in PDF version at the bottom of this page


1 - On the threshold of perception: Secrets figures, unclassifiables figures (Émilie Granjon)

2 - Deconstructing the Rite: For a Story-Telling of a Cultural Imaginary in Arts (19th - 21st Centuries) (Sophie Dumoulin and Sophie Ménard)

3 - From Body’s Images to Subject’s Words: the Bodily Immersion in the Contemporary Imaginary (Bernard Andrieu and Alexandre Klein)

4 - Digital Aesthetics (Bertrand Gervais)

5 - Figurations of the Writer in Images (David Martens)

6 - Popular Musical Imagery:  Symbolic Processes and Social Meanings (Lise Bizzoni, Cécile Prévost-Thomas and Catherine Rudent)

7 - Imaginary Realm of Narration in Contemporary Mixed (Written Text and Fixed Image) Literary Output (Jean-Louis Tilleuil)

8 - Investment and Manipulation of Images: From Effigies to Videogames (Nathalie Roelens and Paolo Granata)

9 - I is (A) Another (Body). Differences and Repetitions in the Representations of the Body in Cinema and in New Media (Benjamin Lesson)

11 - Meta- and Inter-Images in Art (Carla Taban)

12 - Figures of the Contemporary Imaginary (Bénérice Maguière)

13 - Nineteenth-century Physiologies as an Imaginary (Lauren S. Weingarden)

14 - Imagined Past: Monuments and Memorials (Véronique Plesch)

15 - Imagining the Self: Materialization and Figurability of the Spiritual in the 17th Century (Muriel Clair and Emmanuelle Friant)

16 - Thresholds to the Imaginary: Book Illustration and Image-Text Inquiry (Eric T. Haskell)

17 - The Rise of the Imaginary (Jacques Gilbert)

19 - Televisual Imaginary: Television Viewed through Contemporary French and Francophone Literature (Arcana Albright)

20 - The (Un)Imaginable — Aposiopesis in Words and Images (Massimo Leone)

21 - New Directions and Problematization of Realism in the Contemporary Graphic Novel (Eric Bouchard and Gabriel Tremblay-Gaudette)

22 - New Theories and Methods for Screen-Centered Interfaces (Sheila Petty)

23 - Amateur Photography and Popular Practices: New Collective Fictions of the Image (Vincent Lavoie)

24 - Picturia et Poesis? Playing on Image, Text and Ground Supports in Works of Art, 19th-21st Centuries (Sofiane Laghouati)

25 - Let Darkness Be. Doomdsay Imaginary in Modern and Extreme Contemporary Literature and Cinema  (Morgane Leray)

26 - Re-Membering the Imaginary: Artists’ Engagement with Literary Sites (Christina-Maria Lerm Hayes)

27 - Shifts and Variations: Literary and Iconographic Representations of the Bible (Aurélia Hetzel)

28 - Ritualism in Art and Literature (Myriam Watthee-Delmotte and Laurent Déom)

29 - Graphic Satire, Caricature and the "Language in Which We Draw” (Annie Gérin, Dominic Hardy and Jean-Claude Gardes)

30 - Text and Image in History and Society Museums (Marie-Sylvie Poli)

31 - Theoros and the Celebration of Thinking (Mirella Vadean and Mathilde Branthomme)

32 - Traces and Imprints, Fragments and Inscriptions: Screening the Imaginary (Laurence Petit, Liliane Louvel and Julie Leblanc)

33 - Imaginary Cities, Imagined Cities, How To Find One’s Way Again? (Anne-Marie Broudehoux and Céline Poisson)

34 - Edges of the Book (Michèle Hannoosh)

36 - Envisioning the Imaginary: Heuristic Challenges (Bertrand Gervais)

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